Sutherland Shire Historical Society
Mindful of the Past
Focused on the Future
The Matson Collection – Sutherland Shire Museum
Mindful of the Past
Focused on the Future
The Matson Collection – Sutherland Shire Museum
The Matson Collection – Sutherland Shire Museum
by Bruce Howell 2022
A unique collection of local Aboriginal artefacts was launched at Sutherland Shire Museum, 88 Venetia Street, Sylvania 2224.on Saturday 18 March 2023.
The Matson Collection is a set of Aboriginal artefacts – stone, shell and bone tools - discovered within Sutherland Shire by Fred Matson (1899-1993), a third generation Shire boat builder. To ensure the collection would not be lost or dispersed, before his death Fred entrusted the Collection to the safe keeping of a local family friend.
A descendant of that family agreed that the Shire’s only local museum would be the most appropriate place to display the collection, and in 2021 a semi-permanent loan was agreed to between the custodians and SSHS. Cronulla resident and Wiradjuri descendent Bruce Howell has completed the task of conserving this collection for posterity with a high quality publication containing stunning photographs, and painstakingly detailed descriptions of each piece. This book will allow viewers to access the collection with understanding and insight.
Cost: $25 each + $10 postage and handling (For up to 5 copies: $20 postage & handling)
Available at Sutherland Shire Museum,
88 Venetia Street, Sylvania 2224
(where you can also view the collection)
Order through using our online Order Form
For further information, email Sutherland Shire Historical Society: [email protected]
or phone us on: 0424 600 150
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